Disposing of Coffee Machines

Plastic in the oceans, massive landfills in third-world countries, soil contamination from electronic waste—by December 2022, we aim to recycle 10,000 coffee machines and take a different path. And for this, we need your support! A coffee machine weighs around 10 kg, meaning we will recycle 100 tons of material. In our throwaway society, broken items are simply tossed away and end up in the trash. The waste is then roughly recycled and sent to landfills. But when it comes to coffee machines, Kaffee Müller can do more!

Join Us and Take a Different Path!

By December 2025, we want to recycle 10,000 coffee machines and lead by example.

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Our Goal: Recycle 10,000 Coffee Machines

1502 out of 10,000 machines recycled

About Our Campaign: We Want You!

Plastic in the oceans, massive landfills in third-world countries, and contaminated soil from electronic waste. By December 2022, we want to recycle 10,000 coffee machines and take a different path. And for this, we need your support!

A coffee machine weighs around 10 kg, so we will recycle 100 tons of material. In our throwaway society, broken items are simply discarded and sent to the trash, where they are roughly recycled and then taken to landfills. But when it comes to coffee machines, Kaffee Müller can do more!

We can dismantle broken coffee machines and direct them into proper recycling streams. Timeless plastic components, like casings, can be sent to craft workshops or reintegrated into the secondary market. Faulty electronic parts, like circuit boards containing rare earth elements, are carefully recycled and made available to society again.

Through our network of recyclers and secondary market partners, we can operate without financial assistance from consumers or the government. We bear the entire economic risk ourselves! However, this is a price we are happy to pay if it means we can contribute to a better world.

How You Can Support Us

Share Our Campaign

Spread the word about this idea with your friends and colleagues.

Send Us Your Old Coffee Machine

If you'd like, we can cover the postage. Send an email to 10000kaffeemaschinen@kaffeemueller.de

Drop Off Your Coffee Machine

If you live in Berlin or nearby, bring your machine to us. We'll treat you to a delicious coffee as a thank you!

Set Up Collection Points in Stores

Establish collection stations in local stores and put up our posters

Start a Collection Campaign

Organize a collection drive at schools, daycares, or clubs. We’re happy to support you!

How the Idea Was Born

My daughter, like many other children, is growing up with a strong environmental consciousness. Sometimes it gets on my nerves, but at the core, I appreciate her attitude and support her. While I was out running, I asked myself what contribution I could make.

At Kaffee Müller, we repair coffee machines and sell new ones. We don’t have a large fleet of vehicles, we use electricity sparingly (LED), and then I thought back—we repair coffee machines!

That’s already a contribution, but some machines can’t be repaired economically. We dispose of them free of charge for our customers and recycle them with our partners. If we could expand this and prevent broken machines from ending up in household waste or being carelessly thrown away, but instead truly reintroduce them into the recycling loop, that would be a real contribution to the environment!

This idea came to me on October 14, 2019. The landing page and marketing were ready by October 31, 2019.

Do You Have Questions?

Call us or send us a message. We provide fast assistance!

Our locations

We accept your defective coffee machines at any of the mentioned locations, ensuring you receive convenient service wherever you are. Our service is offered directly on-site. Please note the local opening hours.

Kaffee Müller

Landsberger Allee 68a
10249 Berlin

Graphicline GmbH

Landsberger Allee 68a
10249 Berlin

Süßes Handwerk GmbH

Türrschmidtstr. 2a
10317 Berlin

Urban Gebäudedienste GmbH

Siegfriedstraße 6
10365 Berlin

Contact us

(030) 577 991 82


Landsberger Allee 68a, 10249 Berlin

Email: info@kaffeemueller.de


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