Illy repair and customer service
Repair and maintenance of Illy coffee machines at Kaffee Müller.
Kaffee-Müller saves your Illy coffee machine
Coffee machines are a significant investment. Once you’ve purchased one, you don’t want to switch to another. It can be quite frustrating when a device needs to be replaced due to a minor defect.
In the spirit of customer friendliness and sustainability, Kaffee Müller repairs coffee machines and espresso machines from most manufacturers. Especially in gastronomy, hospitality, and offices, where the machine is in daily use and often running constantly, quick assistance is essential. Our express service with on-site repairs is designed to reduce downtime.
Powered up: Illy circuit boards and electronics repair
When we think about the complex inner workings of today’s coffee machines, we completely understand. Repairing modern coffee machines can sometimes be tricky because their insides resemble a computer. Circuit boards, cables, solder joints, and fine contacts are all components that may need to be replaced. Fortunately, our experts in Illy coffee machine repairs are well-equipped to help quickly and competently—even with the right spare parts!